Balkan Sourdough

The farmers and bakers from the Balkans and parts of Turkey have been acidifying mixed flours into what is known as Balkan sourdough for generations. The acidified flour mixture consists of 2/3 wheat flour and 1/3 rye flour. The bread dough is prepared with the same flour mixture.

The Balkan sourdough is geared towards mild acidification with a short maturation period. With this form of pre-dough, yeast is added to the sourdough, which further promotes mild acidification.

Process Parameters:

  • Sourdough content:  40% of the flour amount is soured
  • Starter: 5% of the sourdough flour
  • Yeast: 5% of the sourdough flour
  • Hydration (TA): 100% (200)
  • Temperature: 25-30°C
  • Maturity time: 4 hours


  • 20g Starter
  • 20g Yeast
  • 132g Rye flour
  • 264g Wheat flour
  • 400g Water
  • Dough temperature 25-30°C and 4 hour standing time

Bread dough:

  • 802g Mature sourdough
  • 200g Rye flour
  • 400g Wheat flour
  • 18g Salt
  • 250g Water
  • Dough temperature 25-27°C and the dough maturity takes 60 minutes

(Fold once after 30 minutes)