How could I have let this recipe slip through my fingers – I had baked these rolls some 3 years ago and by chance, I came across it again. It would be a shame to just move this recipe to… weiterlesen
How could I have let this recipe slip through my fingers – I had baked these rolls some 3 years ago and by chance, I came across it again. It would be a shame to just move this recipe to… weiterlesen
A crispy ciabatta with a soft crumb that stays fresh for a long time. This ciabatta doesn’t derive its taste from sourdough, as usual, rather it comes from an all too often forgotten pre-dough – the BIGA. This firm pre-dough… weiterlesen
Bagels don’t always have to be boiled- let’s make them a bit rustic and with sprouts! Sprouts are not only healthy, but taste great and are easy to make. Making sprouts is rather easy and requires minimal time investment. weiterlesen
These berry rolls have been on the wish list of many readers for a long time. The “Pate Fermentèe” pre-dough used for this gives us an enormous window of time in the process of making the dough and makes the… weiterlesen
The Samareiner have been on the wish list of many reader for a long time! They are a small roll that we offer daily from the bakery. Before mixing the main dough, a seed scald is made. Coarse rye meal,… weiterlesen
Snack bakes like Grissini, crisp breads, flat breads,… are becoming more and more popular with hobby bakers. The recipes are nothing too complicated and can be changed as desired. The version from me today does not require any mixed… weiterlesen
Dietmar & Food-Pairing? An amazing synergy was brought to life by the wine expert Michael, and it is shown in this incredible recipe. The goal was to create a connection between a singular wine and dried… weiterlesen
I can still remember my time as an apprentice- back then we had these same rolls in our lineup but made with dried wheat sourdough and not with cold fermentation. Even then the taste was a stunner and the form… weiterlesen
It’s been on the list for a long time and now finally for the blog. The smell of fresh baked garlic sticks will soon flow through many households. These are the absolute tops with the half-baked version- bake the frozen… weiterlesen
The Roggi-Rolls are an absolute stunner in the snack-basket and are great with any meal. In terms of taste, the rolls can be refined with bread spice, caraway, roasted onions, etc. Since I have included 2 recipe variations in my… weiterlesen
These rolls undoubtedly belong in the “Champion’s League!” Its sublime form encourages readers to bake it again and again- I don’t understand what it is about the Handkaiser when there are so many more simple shapes to bake! Since these… weiterlesen
I baked this recipe for the magazine “BROTpro” and after a short break I am publishing it here in the blog. The pumpkin cheese rolls are made from a soft, mixed wheat dough. I created two different dough possibilities for… weiterlesen