Good to know

Oven Steam- Part 2

By adding steam, a relatively large amount of heat is suddenly transferred to the surface of the dough. Condensation occurs between the temperature of the dough of approx. 30°C and that of the steam 100°C. As a result, the gluten… weiterlesen

  • 14.07.2014

Oven Steam for Rye and Mixed Rye Breads- Part 1

The baking process is crucial for good bread quality. The decisive factors are subdivided into initial baking temperature, steam, releasing the steam, final baking temperature and baking time. The baking temperature for most types of bread is 10-20°C above the… weiterlesen

  • 11.07.2014

Basic Equipment

To have success in bread and baked goods, the right equipment and techniques come before all else- without a mixing bowl, kneading machine, scale, and oven, nothing will work. A basic kit with the most important utensils is an absolute… weiterlesen

  • 30.12.2013


In diesem Blog werden immer wieder die selben Fachausdücke vorkommen. Hier habe ich euch eine kleine Übersicht der wichtigsten Ausdrücke zusammengestellt, die ich auch auf Nachfrage ständig erweitern werde. Abblättern, absplittern: Lösen der Gebäckkruste von der Krume (z.B.: Tiefkühlgebäck)Abklopfen: Fertig… weiterlesen

  • 12.12.2013