Very difficult

Handmade Kaiser Rolls

These rolls undoubtedly belong in the “Champion’s League!” Its sublime form encourages readers to bake it again and again- I don’t understand what it is about the Handkaiser when there are so many more simple shapes to bake! Since these… weiterlesen

Wholegrain Baguette

The question arises again and again: age the flour- yes or no? From my side a resounding YES – these doughs can take on more water, develop into better dough, have more stability,… thus only advantages come from giving milled… weiterlesen

Masterclass Pumpernickel

Rye Masterclass Schelli: You criticized my grammar! Me: Never! As long as you don’t mess with my dough, I won’t mess with your grammar. This exchange should help you understand the commitment we (Didi vs. Schelli) each bring to… weiterlesen

King Ludwig Bread

King Ludwig Masterclass Spelt – an extraordinary grain? We reveal: Differences in taste from two different leavening processes: Spelt sourdough vs. Crowning discipline, Detmold three-stage rye sourdough Attention: Anyone who asks questions about spelt that have already been… weiterlesen


19th day of Advent Ingredients for the pre-dough: 200g Italian flour Tipo 0100g water 30°C  60g refreshed Lievito Madre  75g soft butter  50g cane sugar  40g egg yolks (2) Instructions: Slowly mix flour, sugar, butter and water for 12-15 minutes. Then add the active… weiterlesen

Croissants with Poolish

3rd day of Advent Poolish: 200g Wheat flour Type 700200g Water 20°C     2g Yeast Stir together the ingredients and let it rise for 2 hours at room temperature. Then the poolish matures at 4°C /18-24 hours in the refrigerator. Butter… weiterlesen


As promised, the missing panettone recipe arrives punctually for Christmas time. Made from Lievito Madre, the panettone is a classic holiday pastry that lives up to the hype. Recipe For 2 Panetonne/ each 630g of dough  Before starting to… weiterlesen

Chocolate Croissant

So what does the butter in the dough do that make croissants and Danish pastries so flaky? Butter is made up of fat and water. If you heat the butter, the water evaporates. The resulting steam lifts the dough and… weiterlesen


These hand rolls are the masterpiece in the category of small rolls. The Handsemmel is a handmade, crispy, crusty, star-shaped, small wheat roll.  When working by hand, light rye flour is recommended.  The five segments of the roll will separate… weiterlesen


Croissants are a specialty that can only be made with butter. From the process the croissant can take on a high content of fat which makes freezing and storing the finished dough possible. The dough should be well packaged before… weiterlesen