Cottage Rolls
Often you don’t get to bake how you would like because of time constraints, that’s how this recipe came about. With this recipe, a ready-mixed bread dough is simply kneaded again briefly to form a dough with a few other ingredients. After kneading, the dough is risen, then divided into pieces of equal size. The dough can be shaped into your preferred shape.
This recipe should help you establish a routine.
Whether the dough is refined simply with some spices (ground caraway and fennel) or perhaps with some seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), remains for each to decide.
In order to come up with a satisfactory result, you should only start with small changes. The more of the source dough that you use, the shorter the kneading time will be.
With this recipe the mixing time is 4 minutes and the kneading time is 2 minutes. If the dough is overmixed, the final baked form will slightly collapse.
I was amazed when I peeked into the oven the first time! An ideal form and the taste could not be beaten! I can only recommend this recipe to anyone that likes to bake rolls.
for 1560g Bread rolls dough approx.. 20 pieces / 80g
- 600g Bread dough (doesn’t matter which recipe!!!)
- 600g Wheat Flour Type 700
- 300g Water (Hold some back and possibly add some as needed)
- 30g Honey or Malt
- 8g Yeast
- 15g Sea Salt
After kneading, cover and let rise for 20 minutes.
Then weigh out and roll into round dough balls.
Rest for a further 20 minutes then form into the preferred roll shape.
After a brief proof, bake at 250°C with steam for approx. 15 minutes.