To reestablish a little order in my flour cupboard, I’ve thrown the remains of different types of flour into one recipe! A poolish made from durum wheat and wheat flour type 700 is used for aroma. To further support the… weiterlesen
To reestablish a little order in my flour cupboard, I’ve thrown the remains of different types of flour into one recipe! A poolish made from durum wheat and wheat flour type 700 is used for aroma. To further support the… weiterlesen
I had originally been trying to make bread rolls when an attempt using bacon and olives failed miserably. It tasted ok, but the shape – I mean, what is there to say? And so the bacon-olive dream mutated into a… weiterlesen
Bulk rise for rye and mixed rye loaves The bulk rise is a must if you want quality rye and mixed rye breads! This is understood as the resting time that occurs directly after kneading. Yet a closer look reveals… weiterlesen
Since Swiss contributions were missing from my recipe collection, the Ruch flour from Bongu comes in quite handy. I had heard of Ruchmehl, but I hadn’t baked with it. My first impressions of this flour: high water absorption, strong… weiterlesen
Another bread from the sourdough course at the Merano mill is the “Pane Acida”. The sourdough is made in a 2-step process and is a good compromise from a 3-step process. There is no need to refresh. The first stage… weiterlesen
The “scooped out” production method is well liked by beginners. The simple method of shaping, the easy identification of the optimal proof and also the simple steaming require a little less skill and nevertheless you will be rewarded with a… weiterlesen
Underripe or overripe sourdoughs almost always result in bread defects. It is important to only use sourdough with an optimal maturation. The following points should only be implemented individually, because several measures at the same time can lead to a… weiterlesen