To reestablish a little order in my flour cupboard, I’ve thrown the remains of different types of flour into one recipe! A poolish made from durum wheat and wheat flour type 700 is used for aroma. To further support the taste, I’ve used a little Alpine rye sourdough.
In keeping with the recipe, I’ve used a freestyle method for the second working of the dough. Separate the dough according to desired size, fold it rustically and set it on baking paper seamside-down. Then, after letting it fully proof, stick it into the oven with steam and take a look at what comes out!
For a dough weight of 1771g / 3 pieces, each 590g:
- 100g durum wheat
- 150g wheat flour type 700
- 250g water 15°C
- 1g yeast
After mixing, place in the fridge at 4°C and let mature for 15-18 hours.
- 100g Alpine rye
- 120g water 30°C
- 5g starter
Mix the ingredients and let mature at room temperature for 15-18 hours.
Main dough:
- 501g mature poolish
- 225g mature sourdough
- 150g Ruch flour
- 500g Tipo 0 flour (Italian milled flour)
- 400g water
Briefly mix the pre-dough, flour and water and let sit 30 minutes to autolyze.
- 25g salt
- 10g yeast
Add the salt and the yeast and mix slowly for 8 minutes. Then knead quickly for 3-5 minutes Depending on the type of flour used, you can add a little bit of water toward the end of the kneading.
Work up:
After the dough has been made, place it in an oiled tub and let it rise at room temperature, folding after 40 and 80 minutes. After it has risen for 120-140 minutes, divide into pieces sized as desired.
To achieve a rustic appearance, the dough has to be loosely folded and set on a linen cloth seamside-down (if you are planning to do a long, cold proof, I would put the dough in a proofing basket seamside up!).
Once it is 3/4 proofed (40-60 minutes after working), place the dough in an oven with steam at 250°C. Reduce the temperature to 230°C after ten minutes.
To get a strong crust, the baking time should last around 35-40 minutes.