Styrian Cheese Stangerl

The Cheese Stangerl works perfectly as a side for a salad or if you want something baked to go with a cold snack. Cheese and chopped pumpkin seeds give it a special appearance while enhancing the aromatic taste of the crust. A mild wheat sourdough made with a short-rise method gives the dough its taste. The oil in the recipe leads to a moist crumb and increases the volume of the cheese stangerl. 

After being rolled up, the stangerls are brushed with water and dipped in a mixture of ground pumpkin seeds and cheese. After proofing for 30-40 minutes, they’re then placed in the fridge. 

The fridge retards the proof and supports the formation of aroma. It simultaneously makes it possible to place fresh bread on the table within a half hour.


Wheat sourdough:

  • 100g wheat flour type 700
  • 100g water
  •     5g starter

TA: 200    RT: 12 hours   ST: 35°C decreasing to room temperature 22°C

Main dough:

  • 205g mature wheat sourdough
  • 530g wheat flour type 700
  • 260g cold water
  •    14g salt
  •    14g sunflower seed oil
  •    10g liquid malt
  •      7g yeast

TA: 157 (without oil)   DT: 24-26°C   MT: 6 minutes slowly / 6-7 minutes quickly


  • 120g grated emmental or gouda cheese
  •   60g chopped pumpkin seeds
  • Coarse salt to sprinkle as desired (only sprinkle this on top just before baking!!)


  • Knead all ingredients into a smooth dough. 
  • Let the dough rest 5-10 minutes. Then divide it into pieces of 70g each, roll them into balls and let them rest covered for 40 minutes.
  • Roll each piece up to form a stangerl – Video instructions here
  • After rolling, brush the stangerls with water, press/immerse them in the pumpkin-cheese mixture and set them down on a baking tray that has been covered in parchment paper. 
  • Cover and let proof for 30-40 minutes at room temperature. Once the stangerls have reached this state, they’re stored in the fridge until baking. If they are to remain in the fridge for more than 6 hours, the duration of the post-roll proof should be decreased from 40 to 20 minutes.
  • The stangerls are baked with steam at 250°C, decreasing to 240°C, for c. 15 minutes. (When the oven is being heated, the stangerls should be removed from the fridge!)
  • To round off the Cheese Stangerl’s taste, sprinkle coarse salt on them (only a little!!) before baking