Wood Chopper
On account of its easy production, this bread is sure to find many new fans. Hobby bakers often have problems recognizing the optimal proof and too little attention is given to the impact of steam. So we can just bake… weiterlesen
On account of its easy production, this bread is sure to find many new fans. Hobby bakers often have problems recognizing the optimal proof and too little attention is given to the impact of steam. So we can just bake… weiterlesen
After the Siegerland crusty bread comes a reader request for a Hausbrot from this region. It is quite fun to bake a bread according to only a few details. The details were a dark crumb, shiny crust, extremely long shelf-life… weiterlesen
With this loaf I tried to bring together a few ideas at once and one of those was the processing of the dough. After mixing and rising, the bread dough is simply placed in a floured bread basket and formed… weiterlesen
I dedicate my next bread to the intermittent or twice-baked method. The intermittent method or two-baked method is one worth considering in order to always have bread in available without having to freeze it. A few advantages are often the… weiterlesen
Schelli drew my attention to this bread a while back (this bread was often purchased from Gaues-Broterbe…). Unfortunately, he couldn’t give me any more detailed information about the bacon cabbage bread, except that it has a high proportion of rye… weiterlesen
The first attempt at baking this was riddled with failure. I was accustomed to the rise time of a 70/30 flour mixture and I completely overlooked the proofing time. My second mistake was starting the bake at a temperature that… weiterlesen
This bread is characterized by its robust, yet also sour flavor. A wonderful bread with excellent shelf life that is achieved through a long baking time. Its rustic appearance and irregular shape lend it the air of an artisan bakery. weiterlesen
I am always asking myself: Which sourdough method is the best and results in the best bread? There is no general answer to this question given the large number of sourdough types. Each process has its own advantages and disadvantages. weiterlesen
Just as from the edge of the sword the slice of the Cossack’s bread should fall and strong is the taste of this mixed rye bread. This is ensured by the sourdough which brings a mildly sour flavor to the… weiterlesen