Bohemian Forest Bread
Before we turn to breakfast baked goods, I want to present two more breads. The Bohemian Forest Bread is an all-rounder with full-bodied taste. This comes from using a traditional 2-stage sourdough, which is marked by pleasantly mild notes and aromatic flavor. Since no yeast is used, an additional wheat sourdough helps the dough to rise.
For a dough weight of 2178g / 2 pieces, 1089g each
Rye sourdough
Stage 1 – Foundation Sour:
- 10g starter
- 84g water
- 120g rye flour type 960
RT: 12 hours DT: 25°C TA: 170
Stage 2 – Full Sour:
- 214g mature foundation sour
- 276g water
- 240g rye flour type 960
RT: 5-6 hours DT: 28°C TA: 200
Wheat sourdough:
- 5g starter
- 50g water
- 60g wheat flour type 700
RT: 18 hours DT: 28°C TA: 183
Bread soaker:
- 50g old bread (roughly torn)
- 100g water 25°C
Absorption time: 2-3 hours
Main dough:
- 730g mature rye sourdough
- 115g mature wheat sourdough
- 150g softened old bread (soaker)
- 400g rye flour type 960
- 250g rye flour type 2500
- 100g wheat flour type 700
- 400g water
- 25g salt
- 8g ground fennel
MT: 6 minutes slowly / 1 minute quickly
- Mix all ingredients until you have a smooth dough.
- Let the dough rise covered for 30 minutes.
- After the rise, divide the dough and form into round loaves.
- Place seamside-down in a proofing basket and dust the surface with rye flour.
- Once the loaves are 2/3 proofed, carefully slip them out of the proofing basket and let them continue to proof.
- Once they are 3/4 proofed, place them into the oven at 250°C with steam.
- Release the steam after 3-4 minutes. After baking for 10 minutes, lower the oven temperature to 200°C.
- Due to the use of dark rye flour (R2500), baking time should not be less than 60 minutes.