Miller’s Bread

Sourdoughs made from different flour types and grades have varying results on the activity level and the flavor profile. It makes absolute sense to combine these into one bread.

In addition to a well-rounded flavor, you get additional security in terms of the leavening capacity – two sourdoughs spark an immensely stronger leavening capacity. The combined sourdoughs  also extends the shelf-life and increases the moisture retention in the bread. 

This bread starts with a wholegrain rye sourdough, which is prepared in a one-step process. The hydration level always depends on the quality of the ground grain products used. Fluctuations of up to 10% are therefore quite possible.

In order to get the best possible bread flavor, the amount of starter used plays a decisive role. The flavor development can be perfectly controlled by different guide variants with different quantities of starter and sourdough temperatures.

Guide values in ratio of starter amount/ temperature:

  • 10% starter / approx. 25°C
  •   5% starter / approx. 28°C
  •   2% starter / approx. 30°C

“The amount of starter used depends on the temperature of the sourdough. It can remain constant or results in the average from a higher starting temperature and a lower final temperature!”

In order to support the natural yeast growth, a wheat sourdough made with a light flour (Type 700) is used. In order to correctly orient the wheat sourdough in terms of taste and rise, the following points must be observed:


A temperature of between 25-30°C should be kept- this is aligned with the formation of sourdough yeasts and is important for the volume in the final baked bread. 


Hydration levels of TA 200 are recommended since this ensures good fermentation. 

Maturity time:

Adhere to the maturity time – if the time is exceeded, too much acid is formed. Depending on the amount of starter used, the optimal dough maturity is 12-16 hours.

Flour type:

Flours with a lower milling grade ensure stronger acidification, light flours for a milder taste. The flavor can therefore not only be controlled via the amount of starter, the hydration (TA) and the temperature, but also via the type of flour. When using wholemeal flours, a slightly bitter note is noticeable.


Wholegrain rye sourdough:

  •  150g Wholegrain rye flour
  • 200g Water
  •     7g Starter

Hydration (TA): 233   Maturity time: 15 hours  DT: 28°C

Wheat sourdough:

  • 190g Wheat flour Type 700
  • 190g Water
  •   20g Starter

Hydration (TA): 200  Maturity time: 15 hours  DT: 28°C

Main dough: 

  • 357g Mature rye sourdough
  • 400g Mature wheat sourdough
  • 300g Wheat flour Type 700
  • 200g Wheat flour Type 1600
  • 150g Wholegrain wheat flour
  • 330g Water
  •    22g Sea salt

Hydration (TA): 173 Maturity time: 120 Min DT: 28C° Mixing time: 7/5 minutes

After all of the ingredients are kneaded into a smooth dough, it is placed in a lightly oiled tub and left to rise. During the 120 minute dough rise, it is folded every 40 minutes. 

After the dough rise, it is divided into 2 equal-sized pieces and formed into round loaves. The doughs can be formed either into rounds or lengths. After forming the bread is stored in the refrigerator at 4°C.

From the cold fermentation the doughs can be baked over a longer period of time. The difference in fermentation times of 15/20/25 hours showed little impact on the oven spring. You just need to be aware that the longer the storage time, the stronger and more intensely the crust will color during baking. 

The loaves are baked at 255°C with strong steam for approx. 35-40 minutes. Reduce the oven to 230°C after 10 minutes of baking time. In order to increase the crust formation, the steam can be let out towards the end of the baking time. 

Pot bread

  1. Preheat the pot in the oven at 260°C.
  2. To bake, the bread is turned into the hot pot. 
  3. Score
  4. Put the lid on and place back in the oven
  5. From the sealed pot the bread creates enough of its own steam
  6. Bake at a constant temperature of 250°C
  7. Baking time of 35 minutes
  8. After the full 35 minutes, remove the lid
  9. Then bake for a few minutes without the lid
  10. CAUTION: Without the lid the crust browns quickly!!!