100 % Wholegrain Rye

Wholegrain Rye Breads are very popular, but only if they have a sufficiently moist crumb and no hard grain pieces. Though there is no course meal in this recipe, the fine wholegrain rye flour creates a very tender crumb. The taste is more in the heavy-sour direction, but can be altered with a smaller amount of sourdough. 

In the production the dough is mixed in two stages. The first mixing of the dough lasts 20 minutes, whereby the yeast is added only at the end of this stage. Because of the long mixing time it is not necessary to mix in the yeast at the beginning. After this, the dough rests for 30 minutes and is then mixed again for 10 minutes. 

The advantage of this method lies in the water absorption of the wholegrain flour, which can tighten up during the 30 minute rest. After the dough is rested, there is the possibility to add water in order to achieve the desired dough consistency. 

The bread is easy to bake and should not be left out of your recipe collection. 


Wholegrain Sourdough:

  • 300g Wholegrain Rye Flour
  • 300g Water
  • 30g Starter

TA: 200  RT: 18 hours  DT:26-27°C

Main Dough

  • 630g mature sourdough
  • 500g Wholegrain Rye Flour
  • 300g Water
  •    16g Sea Salt
  •      7g Yeast (Caution: Only at the end of the first mixing phase)

TA: 175   DT:29-31 °C  Mixing time:20 Min. slow/ 10 Min. slow

Mix all ingredients except yeast on slow speed for 20 minutes (Add the yeast just before the end of the mixing time). 

Then a 30 minutes rest time is observed. Subsequently the dough is mixed for another 10 minutes on slow speed. In order to give the dough the desired consistency, water can be added. 

The dough now rises for 20 minutes in the bowl and is then divided into 3 equal sized pieces. Work each into a round and place in a baking form, dust with flour and allow to proof. 

The baking pan should only be filled about half way with dough. This results in a tidier and nicer result (in the photos you can see on the side where the area covered with flour begins-in the middle!)

Once fully proofed the bread is placed into the oven at 240°C with steam. After about 1-2 minutes the steam is let out. After another 10 minutes the oven is turned down to 195-200°C and baked for 55-60 minutes. 

The total bake time should not be less than 70 minutes.