
Mixed Rye Bread

The new rye harvest of 2019 probably drew more notice from professional bakers than hobby bakers. Rye bread characteristics that stood out were: A lack of moisture and inadequate preservation of freshnessStale bread tasteOverly tight crumb Poor dough developmentDough that gets… weiterlesen

Baguette- Sourdough vs. Poolish

Baguette Masterclass Comparing two classic baguette recipes  The division of the camps is so wide- the perception of what the best traditional french baguette is and what is sold as a baguette in Germany/Austria; or what is believed to be… weiterlesen

Dark Soul

First of all I have to apologize to all readers, because the contributions in the last few weeks and months have been pretty rare. The reason for this was the construction of a new apartment and this has demanded a… weiterlesen

Turtle Bread

What else are you supposed to name a bread that looks like a turtle? If you didn’t know it, you might think the form is achieved through scoring or cuts. You’d be wrong, because here a small piece of dough… weiterlesen

50% Kamut

For a few months now, various ancient grain flours have been in storage that are just waiting to find a place in some baking experiments. Usually the recipe is adapted to the type of flour, but how different are kamut,… weiterlesen

Pure Rye Bread

The last entry looked at how sourdough can be made with different types of flour. In order to delve deeper into everything using one recipe, I’ve chosen to look at a 100% rye bread.  The “Detmolder two-stage method” is perfect… weiterlesen

Pear-Thyme-Bacon Muffins

This small and hearty snack variant is a welcome change in the homebaking bakery. Regardless of the occasion, it creates a surprise and the spicy muffins look just great on a nicely set table.  If you would like you can… weiterlesen

Pumpkin Bread with Cherries

Like every year, Halloween is just around the corner and when others are carving their pumpkins, it is time for us to bake our bread for the party. The processing is a bit complex and may not be suitable for… weiterlesen

Bread St. Vith

After having to postpone my trip, I was finally able to visit Saint-Vith, Belgium, where Puratos opened its Sourdough Library a few years ago. The library’s goal is to collect sourdough in all its diversity and… weiterlesen