

I first discovered burek on a holiday in Croatia. I was standing in astonishment and gawking in the back courtyard of a small bakery in order to watch burek being made. I was already aware that the dough had to… weiterlesen

Wholegrain Baguette

The question arises again and again: age the flour- yes or no? From my side a resounding YES – these doughs can take on more water, develop into better dough, have more stability,… thus only advantages come from giving milled… weiterlesen

Wholegrain Toast

In the whole grain aisle, the toast should not be missing, but not just one to carry a spread! The first attempts to make a toast bread out of pure wholegrains were not exactly great. The treat came with a… weiterlesen

Wheat Sourdough Bread

Who doesn’t like a simple, failproof sourdough wheat bread for everyday! Prepare your sourdough in the morning, knead the main dough in the evening, and bake the loaves the following morning.  In order to achieve a strong sourdough, we mix… weiterlesen

La Gâche

This is where the “Art of Baking” really comes into focus! What can I say? I didn’t want to do plaits, buttons, and I just couldn’t look at another pan loaf, but I didn’t expect for the first try to… weiterlesen

Baguette- Sourdough vs. Poolish

Baguette Masterclass Comparing two classic baguette recipes  The division of the camps is so wide- the perception of what the best traditional french baguette is and what is sold as a baguette in Germany/Austria; or what is believed to be… weiterlesen

Pain Maison

For baking newbies, the Pain Maison is a quick and easy everyday bread. With just a little bit of handwork, you get a bread that effortlessly fits into any daily schedule.  After the dough is made, it rises through a… weiterlesen

Mixed Wheat Bread

Sometimes the simplest recipes have the greatest potential for everyday bread. The strong rye sourdough and the portion of whole wheat give the bread a light tangy taste. The softened and roasted old bread gives the loaf more flavor and… weiterlesen

Epi Baguette

With little effort and a bit of skill, you’ll be pulling this baguette variation out of the oven in no time! The recipe calls for flour, water, salt and yeast to be mixed into a smooth dough. This then rises… weiterlesen

Dark Soul

First of all I have to apologize to all readers, because the contributions in the last few weeks and months have been pretty rare. The reason for this was the construction of a new apartment and this has demanded a… weiterlesen


With these summer temperatures nobody really wants to be in the kitchen and so the recipe fits perfectly for this time. Biga is used as a pre-dough and it can mature either for 12 hours at room temperature or for… weiterlesen