Late Riser
The new blog will go online soon and the recipes will be divided into different categories, levels of difficulty, … It struck me that recipes for beginners are hard to find on my blog (let alone, if available at all). In the near future, very simple and easy recipes will appear on the homebaking blog. The focus is of course on the taste, but these recipes should be simple and sure to succeed for everyone.
It doesn’t always have to be sourdough!
You can also conjure up excellent bread from the oven by using various pre-doughs and a subsequent long rise.
I have attached two recipes for you (with and without pre-dough). Both recipes are then stored in the refrigerator overnight. This brings flavor and is the perfect breakfast bread for late risers.
For a dough weight of 1725g / 4 pieces, each 431g
Recipe with pre-dough:
Pre-dough / Poolish:
- 150g Water 4°C
- 150g Wheat flour Type 700
- 0,2g Yeast
Maturity time: 12-15 hours at room temperature
Main dough:
- 300g Mature poolish
- 850g Wheat flour Type 700
- 550g Water (10°C)
Briefly mix the flour, water, and pre-dough then cover and allow to hydrate for 30 minutes.
- 22g Salt
- 4g Yeast
Add in the salt and yeast and mix on slow speed until the dough completely and cleanly releases from the side of the mixing bowl (about 10 minutes). Then knead the dough again on fast speed for 3-4 minutes.
Recipe without pre-dough:
- 1000g Wheat flour Type 700
- 700g Water (10°C)
Mix the flour and water and let hydrate for 30 minutes.
- 20g Honey
- 22g Salt
- 8g Yeast
Add the honey, salt, and yeast and mix on slow speed until the dough completely and cleanly releases from the side of the mixing bowl (about 10 minutes). Then knead the dough again on fast speed for 3-4 minutes.
- After kneading, allow the dough to rise in an oiled tub. After 30 minutes fold from all sides into the middle.
- Then let the dough rise for another 30-45 minutes and again fold from all sides into the middle.
- After folding let the dough rise for another 30-45 minutes.
- To work up, divide the dough and carefully twist each piece from both ends. Push the shaped twists together and place in a baking pan (130x95x50mm)
- After forming place the dough in the refrigerator. After about 30 minutes cover it with plastic (this prevents the dough surface from drying out in the refrigerator).
- The dough can now proof in the refrigerator for 8-16 hours (the longer the dough proofs, the more flavor they develop!).
- The late risers are baked at 250°C with strong steam. After a short initial bake (2-3 minutes), reduce the oven temperature to 210°C.
- Total baking time of about 22 minutes (Careful: the longer the dough proofs in the refrigerator, the faster the crust will brown!).
- Steam remains in the oven during the whole baking time.