French T65

Alsatian Dough Rolls

One of my first entries was on the topic of “Pâte fermentêe“ in which I wrote about rolls that are eaten in Alsace.  It is hard to forget the crispy crust and open crumb of these particular rolls.  Since I… weiterlesen


Croissants are a specialty that can only be made with butter. From the process the croissant can take on a high content of fat which makes freezing and storing the finished dough possible. The dough should be well packaged before… weiterlesen

Baguettes with Wheat Sourdough

For this recipe selection a portion of the flour is added in the form of sourdough. The baguettes look awesome from the enormous oven spring.  Taste-wise they lag behind the ones with a long and cool proof. For my next… weiterlesen

Pain de Campagne

Another bread from our journey through France is the Pain de Campagne. This bread is well-loved in France and is developing an adoration through all of Europe and the USA.  Traditionally the bread is produced with wheat sourdough and risen… weiterlesen

Baguette with Long Rise

For the beginners that would like to try making baguettes but have not yet found a trusted recipe, I can recommend this one.  For the baguette, the flour and water are mixed up and left to autolyze for 30 minutes. weiterlesen