Long-term processing

Breakfast Rolls

A delectable bread roll, not too big, but with outstanding freshness and flavor – for many late risers, it’s number one on the breakfast table. Proofing the dough in the fridge at 4°C over multiple hours makes this possible.  The… weiterlesen

Styrian Cheese Stangerl

The Cheese Stangerl works perfectly as a side for a salad or if you want something baked to go with a cold snack. Cheese and chopped pumpkin seeds give it a special appearance while enhancing the aromatic taste of the… weiterlesen

Breakfast Crescent (Kipferl)

The crescent (“Kipferl”) is a classic breakfast baked good in Austria. It’s available in practically limitless variety, ranging from sweet dough to brioche dough all the way to croissant, as well as in both sweet and savory options.  The word… weiterlesen

Pan sencillo

“Pan Sencillo” is an outstanding accompaniment to anything grilled. The sourdough and the whole grain give the bread a tangy note and make the crumb fluffy and moist.  Once baked, the crust’s toasted aroma permeates the crumb, resulting in a… weiterlesen

60% Kamut

Kamut® is a cultivated form of durum wheat that emerged from wild emmer around 6,000 years ago and is one of the oldest types of grain. Kamut is also known as the “soul of the earth”. In the years after… weiterlesen

Wheat Bread with Emmer

This year I would like to increasingly incorporate the so-called “ancient grain” varieties Einkorn, Emmer, Spelt and Kamut into my recipes. The increased interest in high-quality, organically produced foods has brought them back out of their depths. These types of… weiterlesen

Sunflower Flaxseed Bread

The strong crust and light nutty taste make this bread a real pleasure. The taste of the bread not only comes from the toasted seeds, but also from a mild wheat sourdough and the long and cool overnight fermentation.  The… weiterlesen

Caraway Coriander Bread

This bread has a very thin, but at the same time, strong crust. The coriander and caraway spices lend the crumb an aromatic and spicy taste and turn this bread into a real indulgence.  The production relies on a long… weiterlesen

Light Country Bread

The total baking time usually determines the point at which bread and other baked goods are completely baked through. The following methods are available to check whether something is actually baked all the way through:  Checking the core temperature: It… weiterlesen

Pane Bianco

Many readers have problems determining the length of the final proof, so you should know the following: The final proof is the rise time of the formed dough pieces until they are put into the oven. During this time, the… weiterlesen

Fig Bread

Sensory experience makes the master! In spite of excellent kneading machines, human sensors are irreplaceable when it comes to determining the precise moment of optimal kneading. You need a good eye and a lot of experience during the first mixing… weiterlesen

Rustic Samareiner Bread

The smell and taste of wheat and mixed wheat breads is primarily determined by the crust. It contains 80% of the aromatic substances. The crumb also has to convince in terms of taste, but unfortunately this aspect is very often… weiterlesen