Long-term processing

Dark Soul

First of all I have to apologize to all readers, because the contributions in the last few weeks and months have been pretty rare. The reason for this was the construction of a new apartment and this has demanded a… weiterlesen


With these summer temperatures nobody really wants to be in the kitchen and so the recipe fits perfectly for this time. Biga is used as a pre-dough and it can mature either for 12 hours at room temperature or for… weiterlesen

French Levain

A “French Levain” is made from an active, multistep sourdough. It differs from the multistep rye sourdough in its hydration level (TA) and its maturation time.  With a multistep wheat sourdough, I want to keep the acidity as low as… weiterlesen

Turtle Bread

What else are you supposed to name a bread that looks like a turtle? If you didn’t know it, you might think the form is achieved through scoring or cuts. You’d be wrong, because here a small piece of dough… weiterlesen

Late Riser

The new blog will go online soon and the recipes will be divided into different categories, levels of difficulty, … It struck me that recipes for beginners are hard to find on my blog (let alone, if available at all). weiterlesen

South Tirolian Farmer’s Bread

The South Tirolian Farmer’s bread came about more or less by accident. The shaped dough was supposed to have a long cold proof after the bulk rise. For reasons of time, I was not able to stick to these steps,… weiterlesen

Bread St. Vith

After having to postpone my trip, I was finally able to visit Saint-Vith, Belgium, where Puratos opened its Sourdough Library a few years ago. The library’s goal is to collect sourdough in all its diversity and… weiterlesen

Fiery Tomato Rolls

It should taste fiery & spicy and that’s exactly what you want with this recipe! Everyone can determine the spiciness themselves, because the chili does not go into the dough but is spread on the dough mixed into a sourdough… weiterlesen

Pane Gusto

After a short summer break, it is time to bake again and the “Pane Gusto” begins. This bread came about by chance, because the recipe consists exclusively of pre-doughs that come from daily production in the bakery. The proportion of… weiterlesen

Mr. Nice Guy (Pfundskerl)

This Mr. Nice Guy bread is a mixed spelt bread with the recipe combining 80% spelt flour and 20% rye flour. The large size of the loaf gives it a strong, well baked crust and the aromatic crumb makes it… weiterlesen

Rustic Spelt Rolls

If I had a list of my favorite recipes, this one would be right at the top! This spelt roll is a showstopper in the bread roll department, and it’s easy for every beginner to bake. They taste best well-browned… weiterlesen