Topfen Bread
Right at the start of spring I have come up with a moist topfen bread. With this bread you can really let it all out again. The day before, the Pate Fêrmentêe, sourdough, and soaker are prepared. In retrospect, it… weiterlesen
Right at the start of spring I have come up with a moist topfen bread. With this bread you can really let it all out again. The day before, the Pate Fêrmentêe, sourdough, and soaker are prepared. In retrospect, it… weiterlesen
My first bread in the category “Pane Italiano“ is a wheat bread that is baked in a pot. Although I use salt in my recipe, those that would like can just leave it out. Those that have been to tuscany… weiterlesen
This bread is characterized by its robust, yet also sour flavor. A wonderful bread with excellent shelf life that is achieved through a long baking time. Its rustic appearance and irregular shape lend it the air of an artisan bakery. weiterlesen
Croissants are a specialty that can only be made with butter. From the process the croissant can take on a high content of fat which makes freezing and storing the finished dough possible. The dough should be well packaged before… weiterlesen
For this recipe selection a portion of the flour is added in the form of sourdough. The baguettes look awesome from the enormous oven spring. Taste-wise they lag behind the ones with a long and cool proof. For my next… weiterlesen
For the beginners that would like to try making baguettes but have not yet found a trusted recipe, I can recommend this one. For the baguette, the flour and water are mixed up and left to autolyze for 30 minutes. weiterlesen