
Mohnzelten (poppy seeds tents) are a sweet specialty from the Waldviertel, where poppy seeds are quite abundant. They are made from a potato dough that is rolled thin, filled with a poppy seed filling and then baked on both sides.

In the original, Waldviertel gray poppy seeds are used for the filling, which I think taste the best. As for all classic  poppy seed desserts – e.g .: poppy seed strudel, poppy seed cake, poppy seed noodles, – the poppy seeds must be ground. Ground poppy seeds quickly turn rancid after grinding and should be stored in the refrigerator (deep-freeze for longer storage periods!). 


Potato dough:

  • 550g Wheat flour Type 480 oder 700
  • 300g Boiled, pressed potatoes (floury variety)
  • 250g Butter
  • 100g Whole eggs (2)
  •   50g Sour cream
  •   20g Yeast
  •   10g Salt

Poppy seed filling:

2000g of poppy seed filling is needed to fill the dough!! Recipes for various poppy seed fillings here.


  • Knead all ingredients into a smooth dough (5 minutes slowly/3-4 minutes fast)
  • After kneading let the dough rest for 20 minutes. 
  • Then weigh out the dough into 50g dough pieces and roll into round dough balls.
  • Cover and let relax for 15 minutes. 
  • Before filling and forming the mohnzelten, the oven must be preheated to 200°C.
  • Now roll out the dough pieces into thin, flat rounds about 13-14cm. 
  • Once all of the dough is rolled out flat, the filling is evenly applied. 
  • Then the filling is enveloped with the dough (don’t overlap the dough too much).
  • Once the zelten are folded up, they are placed with the seam-side down on baking paper. 
  • Let them stand for 20 minutes and prick a few times with a fork. 
  • Now the mohnzelten are placed in the oven (it’s best to put them right on a baking stone!!)
  • Baking time is 10 minutes at 200°C – after this amount of time the mohnzelten should be golden brown on the under side. As soon as they are golden brown on the underside they are flipped over with a spatula baked a further 7-8 minutes. 
  • The mohnzelten are done baking when they are evenly golden brown on the top and the bottom. 
  • After cooling the mohnzelten can be wrapped in plastic wrap- this way they will stay fresh for days/even weeks!