
To this day, St. Stephen’s Day in Austria is celebrated by maintaining traditional customs. Classically, it is considered the day on which the family visits their grandparents, other relatives or friends to exchange gifts with them. In Upper Austria, St. Stephen’s Day is particularly deeply rooted in customs. The Störibrot, spiced with aniseed, is known there and is only baked on the occasion of this holiday. In the past, the in-laws were visited with Störibrot in order to cut and taste it. Here Christian culture mixed with even older pre-Christian customs. Today it is also very popular to serve a special St. Stephen’s menu for Christmas guests on December 26th.


Rye sourdough:

  • 400g Rye flour Type 960
  • 400g Water 45°C
  •    20g Starter

Hydration(TA):200 DT:28-30°C Maturity time: 15-20 hours


Hydration TA: 200 DT: 20°C reduced to 4°C in the refrigerator      Maturity time: 15-20 hours

  • 200g Wheat flour Type 700
  • 200g Water 15°C
  •     1g Yeast


  • 260g Milk 30-35°C
  • 200g Wheat flour Type 700
  •    15g Yeast

Rise time: Mix 30 minutes before the preparation of the main dough

Main dough:

  • 820g Mature sourdough
  • 401g Mature poolish
  • 475g Risen sponge
  • 540g Rye flour Type 500
  •    30g Salt
  •    60g soft butter/pork lard
  •    25g Sugar
  •      5g Ground fennel and anise


  • Mix all ingredients and pre-doughs on slow speed for 7 minutes. Then the dough is kneaded for another 1 minute at a fast speed. 
  • The dough matures for 15 minutes, covered in the mixing bowl.
  • In the meantime, dust a proofing basket with flour and sprinkle with anise seed. 
  • After the dough maturity, divide the dough and shape to your preference (striezel/loaf)
  • The Störibrot is baked at 250°C with steam.
  • Release the steam after 3-4 minutes and turn the oven down to 200°C.
  • Baking time should not be less than 55 minutes. 

CAUTION: Only slide the bread in the oven after it has “fully proofed”!!!