White Loaves

My first experiment with the Salt-Yeast process favored this white bread. For me, this white bread is a classic but it has all but disappeared from the market in recent years. The quality of white loaves has been reduced by the baking industry. 

Cheap raw ingredients and quick delivery is the motto of the industry that has reduced these classic loaves to the bottom rung. 

I like this white bread most when it has small blisters on the crust. Although this is thought of as a mistake by the connoisseur, it is now recognized as a mark of quality by the consumer. These bubbles indicate a long-term dough process, which combine with full flavor and longer shelf life. 

What causes blisters on the crust in the first place?


  • Humidity is too high during rise
  • Storage time is too long
  • Storage temperature is too high
  • Too much steam at the beginning of the bake


  • Adjust the storage temperate with the storage time = the longer the dough proofs, the cooler the storage temperature should be
  • Reduce the amount of steam

My blisters resulted from the long cold proof (18 hours), but I wanted to test the extremes of long-term processing for the salt-yeast process. I believe however, that a rise of 12 hours would be perfect. 


Salt-Yeast Solution:

  • 140g Water
  •    15g Yeast
  •    15g Salt

Standing time: at least 4 hours/ max. 48 hours

Main Dough:

  • 650g Wheat Flour Type/700
  • 240g Water
  • 170g Yeast-Salt-Solution
  •   20g Liquid Malt
  •   20g Butter

Mix all of the ingredients to a smooth dough (7 minutes slow/ 6 minutes fast)/

After kneading let the dough rise for 30 minutes. 

Next divide the dough into 3 pieces and work into round loaves. Cover and let rise for another 30 minutes. 

Now the dough pieces are formed into oblong loaves and placed into cold storage. Those that form their loaves in the evening will have fresh bread for breakfast. Before baking, spritz the loaves with water, score each several times, and bake with strong steam at 250°C. After 5 minutes reduce the oven to 210°C and bake another 20 minutes (25 minutes total bake time).

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