Pane Venezia

Some might imagine an airy and open crumb bread by such a name, but my intention was quite different. My initial thought was a bread that was cloud-like and soft.

The pre-ferment is a Biga made from Type 550/700 wheat flour. The semolina used in the main dough in combination with the pre-ferment and a long cold proof make this a flavorful everyday bread. If you would like to have the additional taste of sourdough, you can take a small portion of starter from the refrigerator and add it in. Which type of sourdough you use doesn’t matter, only that the dosage is not above 5%.


Total Recipe

322gBiga / 60% Hydration (TA 160
(200g wheat flour Type 550/700, 120g water & 2g yeast)
(of the total flour amount)
(including the preferment)
50gStarter of choice
(Wheat, spelt, or rye)

Preferment – Biga

200gWheat flour Type 550/700
120gWater 10°C
  • Dissolve the yeast in water and then slowly mix with the flour for 4-5 minutes.
  • Then cover and allow to rise at room temperature for 12 hours. For a longer storage time the preferment can be stored in the refrigerator at 4°C (max. 72 hours)

Main Dough

620gWater 10°C
322gMature Biga
50gStarter (not required!)


  • Mix the Biga, semolina and water for 3 minutes and then allow to autolyse for 30-45 minutes.
  • Then add the yeast, salt, and starter and mix slowly for 8 minutes. Once the dough has released from the side of the mixing bowl, knead quickly for another 3-5 minutes.
  • After mixing the dough, place it in an oiled dough tub and fold after 45 minutes. Then allow it to rise for another 90 minutes.
  • To work up, divide the dough into 3 equal sized pieces and for into round dough balls. Subsequently form them into elongated loaves and place into proofing baskets with the seam-side up.
  • Now allow the dough to slowly proof in the refrigerator at 4-6°C.
  • Cold proof for about 12-15 hours.
  • The loaves are baked at 245°C with strong steam.
  • Reduce the oven temperature to 210°C and bake until well browned.
  • Total baking time of about 35-40 minutes.