
Bauernbrot “tumbled”

With this loaf I tried to bring together a few ideas at once and one of those was the processing of the dough. After mixing and rising, the bread dough is simply placed in a floured bread basket and formed… weiterlesen

Spelt Brioche with Cranberries

I love Brioche, and a recipe for one using spelt is a winner in my book! With brioche I use a yeast pre-dough that brings more stability to the main dough.  Because of the ingredients like butter, milk, and egg… weiterlesen

Dinkelseelen und Dinkelknauzen

Because there are many traditional spelt rolls, I would like to give some of these a try. The spelt lovers in southern Germany, for example, have their Dinkelseelen or Dinkelknauzen.  These spelt rolls were always made with long dough processing… weiterlesen


This half-white bread is a mixed wheat bread where the wheat content is 50%. The shelf life of mixed wheat breads are increased with the addition of rye.  In order to achieve an intensive flavor in the bread, the rye… weiterlesen

Easter Pinzen

And just like every year, the Easter weekend is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for Easter Pinzen. The Easter Pinz derives its origin in Friuli. The recipe was brought to Graz from the neighboring county of… weiterlesen


Brown Bread is a mixed rye bread that is baked in a bread pan. To get the proper crust cracking on the top it is important to let the bread rise dry. Furthermore, the bread is baked without steam so… weiterlesen

Twice Baked Bread

I dedicate my next bread to the intermittent or twice-baked method. The intermittent method or two-baked method is one worth considering in order to always have bread in available without having to freeze it. A few advantages are often the… weiterlesen

“Scooped Out” Crusty Bread

This “scooped out” bread is a specialty bread with a particular dough process. The proofing time takes place in the dough bowl. The dough proofs as a whole during the dough rest phase.  After the dough maturity, the dough is… weiterlesen

Cottage Rolls

Often you don’t get to bake how you would like because of time constraints, that’s how this recipe came about. With this recipe, a ready-mixed bread dough is simply kneaded again briefly to form a dough with a few other… weiterlesen

Alsatian Dough Rolls

One of my first entries was on the topic of “Pâte fermentêe“ in which I wrote about rolls that are eaten in Alsace.  It is hard to forget the crispy crust and open crumb of these particular rolls.  Since I… weiterlesen

Farmer’s Loaf

This bread is characterized by its robust, yet also sour flavor. A wonderful bread with excellent shelf life that is achieved through a long baking time.  Its rustic appearance and irregular shape lend it the air of an artisan bakery. weiterlesen

Cossack’s Bread

Just as from the edge of the sword the slice of the Cossack’s bread should fall and strong is the taste of this mixed rye bread. This is ensured by the sourdough which brings a mildly sour flavor to the… weiterlesen