Very simple

Pustertaler Fruit Cake

This fruity specialty deserves to be recognized as an equal to the Stollen for Advent baking. The luxury of all the dried fruits and nuts reveals itself once the cake is sliced. A similar recipe for a fruit cake covered… weiterlesen

BIGA Ciabatta

A crispy ciabatta with a soft crumb that stays fresh for a long time. This ciabatta doesn’t derive its taste from sourdough, as usual, rather it comes from an all too often forgotten pre-dough – the BIGA. This firm pre-dough… weiterlesen

Neuenburger Bread

The Neuchâtel bread is a regional Swiss canton bread. Baked as a paired loaf, however, the bread is divided when sold. While working it up, the dough is divided into pieces of equal size after it has matured and shaped… weiterlesen

Crisscross Rolls

Crisscross rolls are a forgotten classic and they used to be found in almost every bakery! Today this form of roll has almost disappeared from the scene – all the more reason to bake it for the blog. Any standard… weiterlesen

Berry Rolls

These berry rolls have been on the wish list of many readers for a long time. The “Pate Fermentèe” pre-dough used for this gives us an enormous window of time in the process of making the dough and makes the… weiterlesen


Snack bakes like Grissini, crisp breads, flat breads,… are becoming more and more popular with hobby bakers. The recipes are nothing too complicated and can be changed as desired. The version from me today does not require any mixed… weiterlesen

Unger’s Hofsaaten

This recipe was created in collaboration with my friends Michael Unger from “Unger Weine” and Manfred Schellin from “Bongu”. The aim was to create a bread recipe for beginners with a tender crumb and a crispy crust! But how can… weiterlesen


The Roggi-Rolls are an absolute stunner in the snack-basket and are great with any meal. In terms of taste, the rolls can be refined with bread spice, caraway, roasted onions, etc. Since I have included 2 recipe variations in my… weiterlesen

Pumpkin Rolls

I baked this recipe for the magazine “BROTpro” and after a short break I am publishing it here in the blog. The pumpkin cheese rolls are made from a soft, mixed wheat dough. I created two different dough possibilities for… weiterlesen

Sweet Burek

Since there is already a burek recipe on the blog, the sweet version should also be covered as well. Actually, the sweet version can be compared with our apple strudel, but I think the idea to roll it into a… weiterlesen

Bosna Rolls

“Reader request” To interrupt the whole grain series there is now a long-awaited recipe – the Bosna Roll . Though it is been supplanted by the BigMac, Döner, and kebab, it still has many fans. For those that don’t… weiterlesen