
Rustic Baguette

Today, here is another baguette that is made in a unique way. Since baguettes are usually made with wheat sourdough or wheat poolish, a rye poolish would be a very unique substitution.. The production process of a rye poolish is… weiterlesen

Milk Bread

For my next bread offering I chose this milk bread. From the addition of milk, breads take on an especially tender crumb as well as a wonderful color on the crust. For the recipe there are two pre-doughs: A milk… weiterlesen


For the pentecost weekend coming up I want to start the grill, and with it the flat bread! For this flat bread recipe, there are two pre-doughs that form the backbone for the crispy crust and the tender crumb. The… weiterlesen

Bauernbrot “tumbled”

With this loaf I tried to bring together a few ideas at once and one of those was the processing of the dough. After mixing and rising, the bread dough is simply placed in a floured bread basket and formed… weiterlesen

Spelt Brioche with Cranberries

I love Brioche, and a recipe for one using spelt is a winner in my book! With brioche I use a yeast pre-dough that brings more stability to the main dough.  Because of the ingredients like butter, milk, and egg… weiterlesen

No Knead – Spelt

For my next to last recipe about spelt, I opted for a no-knead recipe. Perhaps the special thing about this recipe was the way it proofed, because the bread matured for 12-14 hours at room temperature. The whole recipe does… weiterlesen

Spelt French Baguettes

In order to expand the range of spelt options, I still needed a recipe with spelt sourdough. When choosing my recipe, I landed on a baguette. Making baguettes from spelt flour differs from wheat baguettes in a few ways. In… weiterlesen

Dinkelseelen und Dinkelknauzen

Because there are many traditional spelt rolls, I would like to give some of these a try. The spelt lovers in southern Germany, for example, have their Dinkelseelen or Dinkelknauzen.  These spelt rolls were always made with long dough processing… weiterlesen

Spelt Ciabatta

Since I’ve received some questions about spelt recently, I would like to dedicate my next recipes to the grain. I have planned three recipes, with something for everyone, from beginners to professionals. Since I’m not really a spelt-master myself, I… weiterlesen


The next bread that I want to introduce you to is called the Schrotling. This is a special bread that has a few particular characteristics. About half of the rye flour in this recipe comes in the form of sourdough,… weiterlesen

Burger – Buns

Who doesn’t know the world-famous hamburger? A blog reader request, here is a recipe that is quick and easy for anyone to bake. In any case, it is worth baking more than needed because any buns that you don’t use… weiterlesen


This half-white bread is a mixed wheat bread where the wheat content is 50%. The shelf life of mixed wheat breads are increased with the addition of rye.  In order to achieve an intensive flavor in the bread, the rye… weiterlesen